Friday, September 30, 2011


Rands got the job!
He applied for a company called PSAV, and will be running sound for events in a local convention center. I am so proud of him. We prayed a lot this past year for a stable job for him, and one he'd actually enjoy doing, and feel blessed to be answered so quickly.

And this is how we celebrated. A little weekend away, with the help of priceline finding us a great local resort (30 minutes away, but away enough) with some of his fave treats.

                                                                      Me of course.


2 movies per day. So? 

Pumpkin spice lattes poolside. Orlando is neat after all.

                                            he grew. (that's a real forest too)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Brother Zacky turned 21 this past week! About 4 times. But it was fun/he's worth it I guess. Because of this big event, my sister + fam came in town to celebrate. Here's a glimpse of our fun. We love you, our fave brother in the world!

I also FINALLY got to hold & cuddle with my newest nephew, Georgie. I can already tell we are going to be best friends:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

New Place

Well hello.
I just deleted a few blog drafts that I had written since July-it's been awhile. I give major props to legit bloggers, I don't know how they do it + live life.

So a few news worthy things to catch you up to date:

- We moved! That's rands above trying to be da boss. We were super blessed by friends who took time to volunteer Saturday for the Kettz-Moving-Day-Project. (Let us know when you want us to fill out your volunteer service forms). One thing I will miss from condo life: These amazing sunsets.

Things I like about our new place: Seeing trees and ground and people again.

-Rands completed an awesome resume, if you want to hire him look here for a portion of it/his work. He also made one of rooms into a studio (I'm working on my sacrificial spirit). But I am proud and it looks pretty legit (musician talk).

    -As he was working on his man project, I was working on my house wifery and re-finished a little armoire for a long fun Saturday project. I was pleased though. I kept the pictures unedited so you could see the real deal. A blog I read for instructions said to paint it like you're drunk- which is perfect because I am the opposite of a perfectionist.


-I'm loving my new Etsy hobby. I've been able to give some $$ towards the drought in Africa because of it (thanks buyers!), which is dear to my heart & many others I know. So that was pretty rad (if you want to shop vintage, click my Etsy tab above). My goal & hope is continue to use it to support causes that are doing amazing things.

-I'm going back to school. In it for the long haul! Class of 2014 represent.  

-We've been totally hooked on stalking the food trucks around town- it's about time Orlando catches on. It's really like finding the golden egg when we pass one (or at least that's my excitement level). I'll be posting some of our faves under Good Eats in the near future, but you can find some of them here.

-And finally, it's september. Which I know to much of the population means Pumpkin Spice lattes OMG!!!!! But I am one of the 2 people who isn't the biggest pumpkin spice latte fan. I have tried really hard because my husband is a lover himself, it's just too sweet in a weird kind of way. Because I really do like the smell, the feel, the coziness and to be like my husband, I took matters into my own hands. For the recipe go to the Good Eats section as well.  

And that's all I'll bore you with for now. I will try to update more now that the structure of the fall is approaching. Lovez!