Friday, March 18, 2011



This week has been a nice one, so I thought I'd share some stuff. First, I had a major proud-nanny moment. The big 5 year old lost his toof @ school.

We also got to celebrate a good friends birthday Redlight style, (happy real birthday JJ, you've made it in my blog so you should feel really honored).

I have also been wanting to really create lately, my husband and his crazy creative ways inspires me to do that a lot- so hopefully I will be showing some of those creations in the near future.

In the mean time, I obviusly like creating food-wise, and I had some severely riped bananas, so I put them to good use and made this cooking light banana bread recipe. It's one of my faves. I replaced the flour with some healthier stuff and made it without the yogurt, but it ended up pretty delightful. Here is the recipe: Classic Banana Bread.

I love spring, especially in Orlando. The weather is perfect, yet a tease because there's really only a few weeks between cold winter and blistering summer that it's like this.

Growing up my Dad would always start a garden during this time in the back yard(aka dirt) and I loved it. And he is still doing it. I had to capture this moment when I stopped by the other night- he clearly doesn't belong in a city. But I already put in my request for some good non-pesticide black beans & tomatoes.

So happy spring! And if you are an allergy sufferer like my poor husband, happy clarinex season.  

I know I put this in another post, but this is a pretty cool way to donate: Living Social

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Well, it's been yet another crazy week. I was sick again, as was my little bff. We both felt like her expression. But finally I'm feeling back to normal. On top of that we had a lot going on, and I'm glad the weekend is here, spring FORWARD is happening at 2am, and Sunday is a new week.

Because Rands and I needed a little R&R (never gets old), we channeled our inner hipster and took another bike tour, this one: destination winter park/downtown.

First stop, WP Farmer's Market, my all time fave weekend activity.

So I ate this. I don't know how, but it is organic. They super sized it for me since it was Market closing time/ Christmas came early.


 Cute new candy shop, they sell flavored crickets and scorpion lollipops, in case you were in the market for one.

This is blog worthy. Just normal people on park ave. We spotted this dog many times with the sunglasses on, this wasn't a one time deal. Oh people and their choices.

Spring is here ♥

Finally, we finally found a Burger place in Orlando! That definitely gets an exclamation mark, because we are obsessed with them. It was pretty delish, and I'm just glad there is finally a non-chain, organic one. Go here: Pine22

We are joining others in praying for Japan and the losses & destruction there. It breaks our heart and all we can do is know that God is sovereign and that He gives and takes away. Here are a few ways to help if you're looking:
  • Text: REDCROSS to 90999 for a $10 donation (USA).
  • Pray

Monday, March 7, 2011

Happy Monday

The best cure if you're experiencing a case of the Mondays.  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Polish Fest

                         Grandpa's 90th

Another busy week.
It was packed full of some fam & friend fun though. And also, Rands and I have learned that the old habits die hard thing applies to us too. We successfully had Mexican dinners 3x this week. Oh well. At least that includes lettuce and stuff, so that's good. Maybe this week I can get it together, especially after ending it with another cold/sinus infection/something.

Anyways, Friday sister Michelle + family got in town, and we were able to hit up a few garage & estate sales which is always a joy. Even though I didn't find anything, this was enough satisfaction. So creepy, yet they made my childhood complete for some odd reason.

Friday night, a bff hosted a pretty awesome
house dance party. Dancing is prob one of my top 5 favorite things in life. This is how we shake it/sister dix & I like to be twinz in quite a few ways.

This is part of the top 5 list as well..

And now the best for last. My Grandpa (featured above) turned 90 this week, and we celebrated his birthday tonight, authentic polish style of course. I love him so much-true model of how one should finish strong. The evening included beer, golumpki, kielbasa, perogies, polka, and really just celebrating him. He got up during the party and gave everyone the formula by which he has lived (and continues to live), a long and purpose-filled life. It is this: Put God first. Have a diet strictly of Kielbasa & beer. And if you aren't polish, fake it. So there it is kids.