I was happy to have been able to fit 2 ATL trips into February, and hope for more to come. I left the husb at home, and went on a little girl-sister weekend trip. Here is a little sample of what we did.
Between my two visits in two weeks to Atlanta, the temperature went from 30 the first time to 78 this past weekend. And because it was 78 out, we went on a Piedmont Park Picnic lunch with the Dixon fam + all of Atlanta.
First we stopped at the delicious Star Provisions for our sandwiches.
Then watched the kiddies play.
After, we got to be the real housewivez of north Atlanta, and pampered ourselves (sister Sarah's belated bday gift), to some awesome mani/pedi's, shopping, & the best FroYo I've ever had(courtesy of SBD who stayed with the kids).
Also, my model finally got to try on her skirt. Even though she wasn't really into the whole full featured presentation, you get the gist at least. A little large, but she can work it.
A couple other highlights of
the weekend was finally attending Passion City Church. It blessed and greatly encouraged me, and I can see God working through that church. There was also a worship leader's conference the same weekend, and we got to spend some time with a band my broinlaw & sister are working with called Rend Collective, a legit Irish worship band. Great people. Check em.
On the home front, Rands and I have decided that we need to maybe start making some healthier food decisions in our lives again. Just a few changes, like not eating froyo for dinner or Mexican 4x a week. So we are trying the work out thing, I'm going to do another 5k this weekend to hopefully get me in the running mode again, and of course eating better. I made this tonight and loved it. Definitely not a dudes meal- I don't think the husb was fond of this being our dinner (however, after dousing it with his special dressing and making it his own, he claimed it was better). I still like the original, and you can find it here.
And finally, I will leave you with this. I surrendered to my desire to read a ridiculously large novel this past week. Maybe I am giving up too soon, but I have found that my book ADD needs to be properly treated by starting with lesser pages & more books(ones that are interesting to me helps too). The book above, Abba's Child by Brennan Manning, was suggested to me by several friends. I am only on chapter 3, but it is by far the best book I've had this year. And accompanied by some nice rays by the pool made it even better. I needed a raw and truthful read, and this was it. Buy/library it.
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