Monday, May 2, 2011

Gifts & Love

With Easter being later, May was sneaky. And it's already Mothers Day. Oh life & time- so fast. This weekend was great, relaxing, time off and the beautiful wedding of some sweet friends. Rands was off doing bachelor boy stuff, so I had some time to work and hang with some gurlz & myself which was pleasant. We watched the Royal Wed when it wasn't as cool anymore, but I still thought it was quite enjoyable. I was also gifted with a few things, but these things make me feel like it's Christmas time & I feel spoiled.

My dear friend Christie had a rummage sale for Habitat for Humanity, and managed to find/snag this awesome vase for me before the masses came. She knows me- what a gem. I've already put some of my wedding flowers that are still going strong in it, and I love it. Thanks gurl! 

Another fave, as mentioned in previous blogz, is my Dad's garden. He doesn't use pesticides and it's fresh & -free. I have been waiting, and finally got the first pick of the crop this morning. It's one of the perks of coming from a city family who pretends they're in the country.

Another great freebie, was an exercise class I was invited to, which was an infusion of pilates, yoga and ballet. It was one of the best workouts I've done yet (I don't have a lot to compare it to as of late- kinda slacking), and I guess it's starting to make it's way from the West Coast & Nashville to Florida. They're about to have their grand opening, which you can read about on their website. Very interesting technique (comical for me at times), but a total body workout- maybe I should work for them. Anyways, if you're interested their website is here.

Lastly, I got that great groupon for the BOGO movie ticket. Since gas is taking majority of our pay checks, going to the movies is never a thought these days- so we had to jump on it. It was perfect timing, because this is almost out: Something Borrowed. If you are a girl (which I'm sure 99.9% of you 2 readers are), you first need to quickly read the book, which will probably still be better than the movie, of course. If not, read the books by Emily Giffin for a mindless & funny gurlie read. You may lose brain cells, but you'll laugh which is all that matters sometimes. You may if you are a dude as well. They're quite enjoyable. So this better live up a little to the book, I'll let you know. 

Here are just a couple shots from the lovely union previously mentioned. Iphone photos limit detail, but I work with what I got.
Happy May! 

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