Thursday, October 4, 2012

california: part I

      We recently returned home from the best marriage trip we've taken so far. We had the privilege to get quite a few days off work/school/reality to travel the west coast. If you've never driven the coast, bucketlist it. I'm no travel pro and have only been to a few countries, but California has some of the most beautiful earth I've ever seen. We were able to cover 18 cities in 11 days starting from LA->San Francisco. We ate at some amazing places (which I'll share of course), did more biking than our bodies were made for, went from 95 degree weather to 45 within 4 hours (I'm still recovering), paddle-boarded on the SF bay with sea lions swimming around us (fun/terrifying),etc . Sentimental warning- but the best part was taking the time to just be in awe of God & His beauty. My soul needed it. We both felt so inspired there, and had some great time to just be, without distractions and in gorgeous surroundings. So here is part I of tour de californiaz:  



                                          Hotel sunset in Irvine. 


After we landed, got in-and-out's, and drove through Manhattan/Hermosa beach areas, we checked in at Irvine. The next day we hit up Laguna & Newport beaches. I was reminiscing of when I lived vicariously through LC's realistic Laguna life..missing all my friends. I was also watching a swank wedding happening right next to us. And a Hindu gathering on the other side. There was a lot going on in this moment. 

                                                    Had to hit that up.

     Tour guide in action.


The picture on the left is where Randy was actually standing. I started crying because I thought he was going to fall to his death (major height phobia issues). But he got the prize winning picture he wanted and I got him back alive so every thing's ok now. 

We went on a gorgeous "hike" alongside the coast at Crystal Cove park in Newport- if I was ever homeless this is where I would live (I think I said that 59.443 million times).

Right around the corner from our Irvine stay was Costa Mesa. I loved this little area in particular there called the camp/the lab. We had one of our first dinners there at native foods cafe, a little vegan restaurant. This little area (The Camp), had all the restaurants menus in each mail box so you could choose which one you wanted to go to. So many great choices, but we went with the one that had a fire outside. 




We also went to this delish breakfast place called plums cafe, they had the most amazing pancakes and Randy claims those were the best eggs benedict he's ever had (he does say that frequently- fave breakfast item). We kept talking about how good California makes their potatoes- random, but true. Maybe it's because we never eat regular ones at home.  


Last day in Newport/Irvine. Rands rented us bikes so we could bike to Newport beach- kind of didn't take in consideration the hills, but after 30 miles and coming home right as the sun was setting, we completed our journey. Here are our stops along the way. 


3 hours later-we made it! Stopped for a healthy refuel on the beach.

<-- what I ended up doing 85% of the way home. I was just concerned for randy.


For dinner that night, we decided to celebrate since we made it home alive, and went back our fave hang in Costa Mesa, The Lab. We ate at this super adorbs restaurant called Habana, and feasted on some empanadas & jalapeno margaritas. It was perfect weather and had hundreds of handles and lights inside and out of the whole place (these are a little darkish, but just an idea).


This little tease concludes this portion of the the trip. Stay tuned for more on Hollywood, the coastal drive and SanFrancisco (fave)! Also, if you're a foodie and like to visit more local happenings, we got majority of our ideas from this favorite blog.

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