Friday, March 18, 2011



This week has been a nice one, so I thought I'd share some stuff. First, I had a major proud-nanny moment. The big 5 year old lost his toof @ school.

We also got to celebrate a good friends birthday Redlight style, (happy real birthday JJ, you've made it in my blog so you should feel really honored).

I have also been wanting to really create lately, my husband and his crazy creative ways inspires me to do that a lot- so hopefully I will be showing some of those creations in the near future.

In the mean time, I obviusly like creating food-wise, and I had some severely riped bananas, so I put them to good use and made this cooking light banana bread recipe. It's one of my faves. I replaced the flour with some healthier stuff and made it without the yogurt, but it ended up pretty delightful. Here is the recipe: Classic Banana Bread.

I love spring, especially in Orlando. The weather is perfect, yet a tease because there's really only a few weeks between cold winter and blistering summer that it's like this.

Growing up my Dad would always start a garden during this time in the back yard(aka dirt) and I loved it. And he is still doing it. I had to capture this moment when I stopped by the other night- he clearly doesn't belong in a city. But I already put in my request for some good non-pesticide black beans & tomatoes.

So happy spring! And if you are an allergy sufferer like my poor husband, happy clarinex season.  

I know I put this in another post, but this is a pretty cool way to donate: Living Social

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