This post is pretty much filled with my niece & nephew. So if that for some terrible reason bores you, you probably won't want to read much further. However, if you like things that are the cutest in the world, funny, precious and perfect, continue reading. Oh and here is a video if the pictures aren't enough. Try and ignore the annoying adult commentating and take notes from OK on dying eggs (what to do/not to do).
Oh man, kids. So obviously Easter was great. It's always fun to start it with a car ride with 2 boys, 7 hours, a weird light coming on in the car 2 hours into it which made us pull over, and arriving at 2:00am. But we made it! And here is what we did.
Spent some quality time in gas stations picking out quality purchases (or wish-we-had-purchased)
Ate way too much candy-shocking. But with encouraging reminders like this, it made me feel more ok about that decision.
These are baby chicks. I have had an obsession with anything small/baby since I was probably 1 day old, and thought it would be a great idea to find them during this time of the year (and convenient since the Dixon Fam pretty much lives on a farm). Plus I told Oliverkate we would take her, so I had to find them and def could not let her down. Sister Michelle and I took the kids, and while I stepped into my dreamland she was educated on how to raise them, for possible chicken ownership for fresh egg purposes in the future. I can't wait to visit the Dixon Egg Farm.
Uncle Zack let off some sweet gas-station-bomb-fire works (we don't tell him that it's the wrong holiday for that so shh), and the kids admired his skill to light them, then throw them right before they blew his hand off. There were a couple close calls and I believe some singed hair, but of course totally worth it. And totally cooler uncle now.
We dyed eggs. (This is the more boring version of what happened above).
It's Easter! Almost. I am extra excited to be spending this first marriaged Easter in ATL with my favorites (i.e. OliverKate, Truett & Co.). To kick off the Easter week, we had a Palm Sunday picnic/adult egg hunt seen below. It was probably the most perfect weather day ever.
Rands bff. Until he dropped her on her head- I'm scared for our future children.
If any of those egg prizes look tempting, I'm pretty sure Baldwin park probably has some un-found eggs in trees, moss, Tim's beard, trash cans or fountains.
I also found this in someones trash pile. It sounds gross but it really makes me feel like I won something. Randy doesn't quite understand the need for all of these chairs I keep finding, but I kindly remind him that one of those chairs is currently holding 5 giant boxes of recording gear.
Finally, here are some easterly links if you're looking for some fun/different egg dying ideas. Enjoy. And if you need a church to attend Sunday and live in Orlando, I highly suggest you go to Summit Church. Then let me know how it is since I won't be able to make it this year.
John 11:25-26 "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die."
It was a refreshing weekend, filled with bike rides, pool time, reading time, friends, church time, etc. We are currently on a money restriction (along with all of America obviously) in hopes to have a little extra for an anniversary trip next month (almost a year, time is weird). So we worked on the whole budget thing/creative ways to spend our free time.
Sunset walks have been lovely!
Working on our wall collage finally. Perfect timing since our condo lease will be up soon, but at least we won't have to stare at a blank wall anymore.
In attempt to save money, since I'm not an extreme coupon-er, we attempted a Sam's trip. It's a little comical buying things like the above for only 2 people, but I'm learning living with a male/Randy, how much protein is consumed in a day. So we'll see if our extreme quantities pay off.
My friend Laura and I had a little spontaneous Saturday. We started at an annual neighborhood garage sale and ended up with a little photo shoot for her job. She inspires me with her creativity and I'm looking forward to some photography lessons. She's also a blogger which she humbly recently told me, and you can find her work and fun stuff here.
This is a very simple sewing project, even though I managed to make it 20x more difficult. So, I naturally had to call in reinforcements because I thought the sewing machine blew up. My mom just told me I was missing the presser foot(duh). One day I'll learn to do this on my own.
Anyways, I found these awhile ago and thought they were so cute. It's probably weird that I like making things for kids when I don't even have any, but for some reason I find it enjoyable. Especially things for girls because they are more fun (just a life fact). I found the cute felt at Hobby Lobby of course, and if you want to make them yourself the link is here. Have fun & watch out for that presser foot:
It's been awhile. April 2 was my sweet husbands 27th year of life. First, this was one of our fave treats. Please enjoy the cuteness/my obsession:
Feliz Ice Cube.
Now for the second. I really love planning things and celebrating people and life events, especially for my favorite person in the whole world. I attempted my hand at eggs Benedict in the a.m. for him (his favorite), and if you're looking for an easy recipe it's here. He worked on some music stuff and I spent a lot of the day with my dear friend Molly. She and her husb generously opened their house (conveniently across the street from us) so we could host Rands fiesta in her back yard. We had some legit Spanish music thanks to DJ Laura, corn hole & ladder golf (totally Mexican), pepper challenge (congrats Jared), pinata, delish drinks and great great friends. Rands clearly took the Mexican theme pretty seriously, and I'm sad (i.e. happy) that he has shaved his mexi-stache off. I am so blessed to have him as my life partner/husband/bff/soul mate/etc. I love him.
Some pre-party treats at the Moll & Josh Estate:
Our helpers overseeing our work. These guys came out just in time to join us in setting up. They seriously watched us throughout the day, which was a little uncomfortable, but we were grateful they let us celebrate without them in the p.m.
I have a little obsession with this tree. It is the biggest kumquat tree I've ever seen, but I think they are one of the coolest. I want one of these someday, but will borrow molls in the mean time.
It was a little dark, so I only got a couple pictures before it started:
And on a random note, I filled the seasonal empty picture frame. I really love that I can just change it out when I feel like it. I used the link I put in one of my other posts for garland and turned it into this for the spring timez.